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  • Azle Area Ministerial Alliance

With gratitude for all in AAMA

By Glyn Murphy

AAMA President

It has been my great privilege to watch the AAMA grow as a fellowship organization of ministers into a fellowship of Christian leaders. Truly we enjoy great fellowship as pastors, but we have grown and expanded into a fellowship of community leaders, ministry leaders and Christians who are leaders in a variety of roles in the Azle area. As a result the message and spirit of the Christian faith has become more of a part of our community. I could mention a number of outstanding individuals who have influence and impacted the Azle community. You would certainly know there names and could identify some wonderful service they have done. But the truth is there are many more who have served behind the scenes. They are often barely noticed, and many times, completely unseen.

It is all of those who have served without notice or accolades that I would like to address. Pastors and leaders are so often recognized and put in the “limelight.” Let me just say that if that is what we desire then we have received our reward in full. The truth is, that to serve behind the scenes and without notice has many times the blessing and reward coming when it really counts! God sees what you do in secret and you will be richly rewarded. After all, if only God sees what good you have done, then your reward will be greater than you can imagine!

The wonderful churches, the ministries, the community events – all are supported by and function because of the spirit, the faith and the works of ministry of those who honor Christ by their generosity and their service. It is to His glory that these unsung servants do the work that makes this community a very special place to live and work. I am grateful for the privilege I have had to serve alongside the ministers and Christian leaders that make this community so unique. I am just as grateful to stand with so many more that work and support the cause of Christ through the individual Christian events of the AAMA and through the individual church ministries.

We like to think of public ministry such as preaching, teaching, and singing as the way to reach and impact the world for Christ. Surely, these are wonderful ways that God established to reach people for Christ and to change our world. However, it is the changed heart and kind word that speaks louder to the broken heart and to the hungry soul. Christianity is purely personal. Jesus wants to have a personal relationship with every one of us. Public ministry is an effective and powerful way to share the gospel, but personal relationships with genuine servants of Christ are the most powerful evangelistic tool in God's creation.

Therefore, I want to express my deepest gratitude for the amazing community of believers in the Azle and surroundingcommunities that have faithfully served and supported the many community ministries, including the AAMA and all the wonderful community events of this organization, and especially for the support and service of the God-honoring churches of our area. Truly this is a unique place to live and grow in our faith and service to the King of Kings!!

As I finish my term of service as the president of the Azle Area Ministerial Alliance I want you to know how grateful I am to have been given this opportunity and undeserved privilege to serve my Lord in and through this wonderful community. It is my joy to know that the best is yet to come for the glory of our Lord and Savior through the AAMA.

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